Lane County Justice of the Peace

Employer / Organization

Lane County

Next Election

May 19, 2020

Filing Window

Sep 12, 2019 - Mar 10, 2020


The Lane County Justice of the Peace is the Under the provisions of Oregon Revised Statutes, Chapters 51, 52, and 153, the Lane County Justice Court is responsible for the adjudication of violations and misdemeanors filed as violations of traffic, truck-overload, truancy, civil complaints, Lane County Code violations (such as animal regulation, parks, Lane ESD, and waste management complaints) and related post-adjudicative processes. The Lane County Justice of the Peace is a part time position with a yearly salary of $46,606.

Application Guidelines
To file for this position follow these three steps. 1) Contact the Lane County Elections Division to verify that your address qualifies for the position and that you meet any other requirements (like living in the district for a certain period of time). 2) Arrange to obtain the filing documents from the elections office, and double check with them filing paperwork submission dates. It is understood that first time or beginning candidates may need someone to review the paperwork with them, so it is useful to stop by the office in person during normal business hours, or arrange a time that you can speak with someone while picking up the filing papers. 3) Submit the filing papers and any other necessary documents to the city clerk/secretary during the required timeframe. Candidacy filing papers can be acquired at and are submitted to the Lane County Elections Division's office, which can be reached by phone at (541) 682-4234 and visited during normal working hours between Monday and Friday at 275 W. 10th Ave, Eugene, OR 97401.

Submit application to:
Lane County Elections, 275 W. 10th Avenue, Eugene, OR, 97401, US