Vermont Governor
Employer / Organization
Next Election
Nov 03, 2020
Filing Window
Apr 27, 2020 - Aug 06, 2020
The Governor of the Commonwealth of Vermont is an elected constitutional officer, the head of the executive branch and the highest state office in Vermont. The governor is popularly elected every two years by a plurality and has no term limit. The Governor of Vermont is charged to uphold and execute all laws, expedite legislative business as needed. According to the state constitution, the governor has limited powers to grant pardons and reprieves and the power to call special sessions of the Vermont General Assembly when necessary. The governor is the commander-in-chief of the naval and militia forces, but may directly command those forced unless permitted to do so by the Vermont State Senate. Other duties and privileges of the office include: Commissioning all officers of the state; Making all appointments not otherwise provided for and making interim appointments to all vacant offices until the legal procedure for filling the office is performed; Granting reprieves in all cases except treason and granting pardons in all cases except impeachment; Granting licenses as permitted by law; Drawing upon the Treasury for sums already appropriated by the Vermont General Assembly; Laying embargoes for up to 30 days when the legislature is in recess; Commissioning a Secretary of Military and Civil Affairs at her pleasure. Such an officer serves at the governor's pleasure; Sealing and signing all commissions made by the state of Vermont; Keeping and using "The Great Seal of the State of Vermont"; Appointing a state treasurer when the office become vacant. The salary for this position is $145,538/year.
Application Guidelines
To file for this position follow these three steps: 1) Contact the Vermont Secretary of State Elections Division to confirm that your registered address qualifies you for the position you intend to run for, and that you meet other office specific qualifications. Obtain the correct candidacy filing paperwork. 2) Complete the required candidacy paperwork including the appropriate campaign finance forms, a consent of candidate form and (if you plan to run as an independent) a nominating petition. Nominating petitions can be found here: If you plan to run as a partisan candidate please contact your local party office for further instructions. 3) Submit the nominating petitions with the stipulated amount of signatures to the Vermont Secretary of State Elections Division by the filing deadline. The amount of required nominating petition signatures varies by office. The filing window for independents runs from the 4th Monday in April until 5pm on the Thursday preceding the primary election. The primary election is always held the 2nd Tuesday in August. The Vermont Secretary of State Elections Division is the point of contact for any questions or concerns you may have. Vermont Secretary of State Elections Division can be reached at 800-439-8683 and the Elections Division website can be found here: application to:
Vermont Secretary of State, 128 State St, Montpelier, VT, 05633, US