U.S. Senator (VA-Jr.)
Employer / Organization
Next Election
Nov 05, 2024
Filing Window
Jan 01, 2024 - Jun 11, 2024
Each of the 50 United States is represented by two United States Senators, and the 100 senators serve in the United States Senate, which along with the United States Congress comprise the entire federal legislative branch of U.S. Government. U.S. Senators are responsible for drafting and voting on federal laws for the United States. The work of preparing and considering legislation is done by standing committees, and in addition there are special committees as well as joint committees (committees with U.S. Representatives and Senators). The U.S. Senate has special duties including the responsibility to confirm major presidential appointments, including Supreme Court Justices. All U.S. treaties with other countries must be approved by a 2/3rds vote in the Senate, and U.S. Senators vote upon impeachment of elected officials, with a 2/3rds vote for impeachment resulting in the removal of office. Congressional bills, after having been passed by the Senate and House of Representatives, must be signed by the president of the United States within 10 days of their submission, or they become law automatically, unless Congress is not in session. If vetoed by the president, a bill may become law only by its repassage by a two-thirds majority in each house. The Constitution requires a regular annual meeting of Congress, which begins on Jan. 3 each year. The proceedings of Congress are recorded in the Congressional Record, and U.S. Senators have offices in Washington D.C. and often in several locations in their home states to address concerns of the citizens they represent. The yearly salary for a United States Senator is $174,000.
Application Guidelines
To file for this position follow these three steps: 1) Contact the Virginia Department of Elections to confirm that your registered address qualifies you for the position you intend to run for, and that you meet other office specific qualifications. Obtain the appropriate candidate filing forms. 2) Complete the required candidacy paperwork including a Statement of Organization, a Certificate of Candidate Qualification, a Declaration of Candidacy, a Petition of Qualified Voters, a Statement of Economic Interests and a Filing Fee. Next, if you are running as an independent, file these papers with the Virginia Department of Elections. If you plan to run as a partisan candidate please contact your local party headquarters for additional information. The location to file the forms listed above varies depending on the type of district you are running as a candidate in, please contact the Virginia Department of elections to confirm the correct location to file these forms. 3) Submit the filing paperwork by the filing deadline, which is the the 2nd Tuesday in June at 7:00pm for independent candidates. The Virginia Department of Elections, which serves as the point of contact for any questions or concerns you may have, can be reached by phone at (804) 864-8901 or by email at [email protected]. Another source for candidate information is your local general registrat. Local general registrat contact information can be found here: https://vote.elections.virginia.gov/VoterInformation/PublicContactLookup The 2015 candidates guide for state assembly positions can be found here: http://elections.virginia.gov/Files/BecomingACandidate/CandidateBulletins/2015Nov_GA.pdf The 2016 candidates guide for running for U.S. Representative can be found here: http://elections.virginia.gov/Files/BecomingACandidate/CandidateBulletins/2016Nov_USHouseBulletin.pdfSubmit application to:
Virginia State Board of Elections, 1100 Bank St, Richmond, VA, 23219, US