South Dakota Public Utilities Commissioner, Seat 2

Employer / Organization

South Dakota

Next Election

Nov 05, 2024

Filing Window

Jan 01, 2024 - Apr 30, 2024


The South Dakota Public Utilities Commission is a three-person, elected executive board in the South Dakota state government. The commission: regulates investor-owned electric, natural gas and telephone utilities; has authority to issue permits for the construction of energy conversion, AC/DC conversion, wind energy and electric transmission facilities as well as certain pipelines, including those designed to transport coal, gas, liquid hydrocarbon products or carbon dioxide; helps resolve disputes between customers and their utilities, operates the South Dakota Do Not Call Registry and administers the state's One Call notification center; operates the natural gas pipeline safety program and licenses and inspects state public grain warehouses and grain buyers; and advocates for smart energy and telecommunications policy at the state and federal levels and works hard to educate consumers about ways to save energy and money. The base salary for this position is $96,956.

Application Guidelines
To file for this position follow these three steps: 1) Contact the South Dakota Secretary of State Election Services Division to confirm that your registered address qualifies you for the position you intend to run for, and that you meet other office specific qualifications. Obtain the correct candidacy filing paperwork. 2) Complete the required candidacy paperwork including the appropriate campaign finance forms and (if you plan to run as an independent) a nominating petition. Nominating petition instructions can be found here: If you plan to run as a partisan candidate please contact your local party office for further instructions. 3) Submit the nominating petitions with the stipulated amount of signatures to the South Dakota Secretary of State Election Services Division by the filing deadline. The amount of required nominating petition signatures varies by office. The filing window for independents runs from the 1st of January until the last Tuesday of April at 5pm. The South Dakota Secretary of State Election Services Division is the point of contact for any questions or concerns you may have. The South Dakota Secretary of State Election Services Division can be reached at (605) 773-3537 and the Election Services Division website can be found here:

Submit application to:
South Dakota Secretary of State, 500 E Capitol Ave #204, Pierre, SD, 57501, US